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Community Connections

Get Help. Give Help.

We may be apart, but we don’t have to be alone. Across the country, people are organizing online mutual aid groups to stay connected, share ideas, and help those in need.

Whether you want to start a group, find a group, or even request a friendly call from one of AARP's volunteers, AARP can help you connect with people in your community.


There, you can enter your zip code or the name of your city and state. You'll be directed to ways you can request a call from a volunteer or become one yourself. The site is free to use. AARP membership is not required.



To provide a variety of resources, the tools and guidance have been collected from a variety of sources and are presented as is on their website. AARP will continue to update them from time to time.


Have you been wondering how to connect with your family or friends using Zoom?

Have you been wanting information about grocery delivery?

Then check out Using Technology to Stay Connected

Check the Get Set Up section

Free Live Online Classes Taught by Seniors

Offered via Get Set Up


Sign up for a group or 1 on 1 classes.

Learn how to use services like Zoom, Gmail, Uber, grocery delivery, exercise apps, even the basics of Medicare.

Check out the classes at

Your Guide to Senior Diabetes Care

Information provided by

​ is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. They have been featured by AARP, The Administration for Community Living, The National Legal Resource Center, and Forbes, as well as referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the Internet.


According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 30% of people 65+ have diabetes. Proper management is essential because seniors are at the highest risk for disease complications, including. heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, eye problems, and nerve damage.'s new resource provides information for seniors with diabetes and their caregivers on the risk factors associated with diabetes, senior living communities that provide diabetes management services, and

financial resources.


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